Monday 8 May 2023

Rock Beach Swing, Phuket

If you are going to Phuket, Thailand and you want outstanding photos, then this place is a must visit.

Rock beach swing has multiple photo booths where you can take stunning pictures. It is a dreamy place. My suggestion is to wear flowy dress as it will add more beauty to your pictures.

Beautiful Way

Huge Cube

Stairs to Heaven

Love Nest

Floral Way


Beautiful Way


Tuesday 29 January 2019

Oil Pulling | What is oil pulling, how to do it and benefits

Oil Pulling? What oil pulling is? How to do this? Keeping oil in mouth?

Oil pulling may sound weird to you but once you know about it, you won’t be able to stop yourself from trying it.

Well if you are wondering all this, relax! Here is everything you need to know about oil pulling.

What is Oil Pulling?

Oil pulling is an ancient practice for oral hygiene which uses oil to remove toxins not only from the mouth but from entire body. It is prolonged swishing of oil followed by spitting of oil out of the mouth. Oil is fat and saliva in mouth is water and has enzymes, which makes a thick emulsion, this emulsion attracts other oils (toxins). This way toxins mixes with this oil and saliva mixture and which are the spitted out of the mouth.

Best time to do oil pulling?

The best and most effective time to do oil pulling is in the morning on an empty stomach. Doing oil pulling in morning helps detoxifying your body.

How to do it?

Well learning oil pulling is very easy. All you need to do is put a tablespoon of oil in your mouth and swish it around for 15-20 minutes and then spit it out. I recommend brushing your teeth after oil pulling.

Which oils to use?

Coconut oil
Sesame oil
Sunflower oil
Peppermint essential oil
Orange essential oil


Detoxes the body
Improves oral hygiene
Teeth whitening
Good for gums
Help with skin issues
Fresh breath
Eliminate bacteria in mouth

Saturday 26 January 2019

Wear Sunglasses | Keep Eyes Healthy and Be Stylish

Sunglasses are usually seen as a fashion accessory but have you ever wondered there are so many other reasons why you should wear sunglasses.
Here are 7 reasons why sunglasses must be your everyday essential.

Reasons Why You Should Wear Sunglasses Often:

UV Protection

We are well aware that sun rays are not good for skin. We give a lot of importance on wearing sunscreen to protect our skin against harmful UV rays. But do you know sun rays are bad for eyes too ? The prime job of sunglasses is to provide protection from harmful UV rays. As we consider it important to wear sunscreen to protect our skin from UV rays, it is also important to protect our eyes from UV rays as well. Rocking a pair of sunglasses can help you prevent various eye diseases like cataract etc.

Protection of Eyes from the Elements

Dust and wind can cause irritation to eyes or scratch the cornea.. Snow reflects UV rays from the sun at eyes. Spending a lot of time in the snow without sunglasses, can cause snow blindness.Wearing sunglasses will protect your eyes from dirt, sand and dust.

Enjoying the View

Sunglasses simply helps you see better. Sunglasses improves the colour and contrast of your view and you will  be able to see more brighter view. Wearing sunglasses can improve your vision and cut down on glare even when its cloudy so not only on sunny days but also on cloudy days, sunglasses should be your essentials.  

Protection from Various Eye Diseases

More exposure of eyes in sun can cause effects on the eyes including: Macular degeneration, cataracts and pterygium. Wearing sunglasses that provide protection against UV rays will help you to prevent these diseases.

Avoid Headaches

Bright sunlight may sometime trigger headache. Sunglasses will soak up the sun without risking pain.

Avoid Wrinkles

With sunglasses you are protecting your eyes as well as the delicate skin around them,this means fewer wrinkle around your eyes as you grow older. A stylish pair of sunglasses also make you look and feel younger on the outside.


Wearing a hot pair of sunglasses will elevate your style by ten times. Just rocking a pair of sunglasses can make you look super stylish and trendy.

Images may be subjected to copyrights.

Tuesday 22 January 2019

Skin Care Essentials

Just handful of essential skin care products and a right procedure is enough is you do not want to load your bathroom racks with products.

The 5 basic must-haves in your skin care regime:


We all know cleansing skin is must. Sleeping with makeup can clog your pores.Use luke warm water to wet face, then apply a coin-size amount of cleanser to the skin. Gently massage and rinse. Make sure that you are using the right cleanser.

Choose a cleanser according to your skin type. For dry skin, milk and cream based cleansers are good while gel formulas work well with oily skin type.


You are not always able to remove all makeup, dirt, and oil by cleansing. Toners help in removing that left-out residues.Toner maintains the skin’s pH balance. Toner can moisturize, calm, disinfect, exfoliate, and treat various skin conditions. It’s all about picking the right one.


YES, whatever be your skin type, moisturizers are essential. Also make sure to use the one containing SPF.


Serums penetrate deep into the skin which intent of delivering powerful ingredients directly into the skin
Purchase serums according to your specific need, whether it’s for anti-aging, brightening, or even acne.


To give that extra love to you skin, pamper yourself with masks at-home at least once a week. All you need is 10 minutes and a mask. The benefits are endless! They leave skin feeling smooth and soft.

Saturday 16 June 2018

Detox Water: A Unique and Simple Drink with Multiple Benefits

It is often suggested to drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water everyday. Staying hydrated is very important for everyday metabolic process of our body as well as for overall health. You are not allowing your organs to work properly if you are not drinking enough water.
Drinking adequate amount of water has a huge positive impact on you health even if your lifestyle remains the same.
Adding on some ingredients to your drinking water has shown to increase its impact multiple times and also adds a unique taste to your water which increase you drinking capacity.
The water with added ingredients is called Infused Water.

Detox Water 

Water with added natural ingredients that helps in detoxification of  body's toxic substances is known as detox water.
It is such a blissful drink that make you crave for it once you try it. Detox water makes you feel refreshed and hydrated. 
Everyone knows the importance of drinking water each day but because normal water is boring and plain  people can't meet their everyday water requirement.  Addition of ingredients changes the taste of water which is more pleasing to drink than regular water.

How is Detox Water Made?

You can make your detox water by adding the ingredients and water in a glass jar and keeping it overnight. Next morning you can enjoy your refreshing drink.
The most basic detox water which can be easily made by adding slices of lemon, cucumber and mint leaves. Orange slices, grapefruit, watermelon, strawberries, blackberry, ginger, basil, apple and many other fruits can also be added to detox water.

How Do Detox Water Works? 

Detox water flushes the toxic substances from the body and removes the extra salts from the body. Detox water also maintains the body pH as well as it boosts digestive system. 
It is also gives glow to your skin, improves complexion and reduces fat.

Benefits of Detox water

  1. Weight Loss
  2. Hydrates
  3. Improves Digestion
  4. Internal Cleansing
  5. Improves Liver Functioning
  6. Reduces Inflammation
  7. Improves Hairs and Skin Quality
  8. Enhances Energy

Monday 2 April 2018

Yoga poses for kids


It’s no secret that yoga provides both the mind and body with endless benefits. Teaching  children about yoga at an early age can help them feel more focused, less stressed, more fit and much calmer. Not only does yoga get children moving and engaged but it can also be fun for everyone!



1. In a seated position, bring the soles of your feet together. Draw your heels in toward your pelvis and allow your knees to relax out to the sides.
2. Clasp your fingers around your toes as you inhale. Press your chest forward as you lengthen the spine.
3. Bend forward as you exhale, maintaining a long spine.
4. Exhale and draw the abdominals in and forward. Drawing the chest toward the toes.



1. Kneel down and let the tops of your feet rest on the floor. Bring your big toes together. Then lower your hips back and sit on your heels.
2. Extend your arms in front of you and place your palms down on the mat. Alternately, you can place your arms along your sides, fingers toward your toes, palms up if that feels more comfortable.
3. Allow your belly, heart, and forehead to come to the ground. Become soft and still, letting your body sink into the earth.
4. Observe your breath: feel it moving in and out of your nose. Feel your belly and chest fill as you press into the earth with your legs.



1. Gently recline onto your back and extend your legs.
2. Next, soften the groin and let your feet turn out evenly. Allow your legs to rest on the mat and your arms to settle alongside the body. Place the palms facing upward to help open the chest.
3. Close your eyes and take a deep breath in.
4. Exhale and let your eyes sink back into your head as you gaze inward. Soften your tongue, jaw, nose, eyebrows, and forehead.

Friday 30 March 2018

Hair trends of 2018

Tom Ford
Backstage at Tom Ford, hairstylist Orlando Pita and his team were in a frenzy pinning all the models ' hair up and off their necks, to give the illusion of short, shaggy cuts. Hair was twisted and coiled on the scalp and pinned into place with countless bobby pins. 
Tadashi Shoji
Hair was whipped into rocker-ish curls backstage at Tadashi Shoji.
Michael Costello
Cotton candy top knots made a dramatic statement at Michael Costello's spring 2018 show.
At Zimmerman , Soft, glossy waves tucked behind one ear .

Rock Beach Swing, Phuket If you are going to Phuket, Thailand and you want outstanding photos, then this place is a must visit. Rock beach s...